Friday, June 19, 2009

Cocktails on the Patio?

Not exactly. After Kelly's outstanding Titanic performance yesterday (the performance was about the Titanic, not that her performance was actually Titanic...although it kind of was...), the girls and I gathered at the Burnbrae for a night of 'Music and cocktails on the Patio!'. This being Glasgow, Scotland, we chuckled at the irony and the actual optimism. Of course, as predicted, it was indoors.

The cocktails weren't to my French Martinis (eh, Anne, Karen?) so we stuck to a rather tasty Sauvignon Blanc and know how I feel about their antipasti of course. Wonderful. The lovely and charming Andrew served us, yet again and we had a grand time with Maureen and Siobhan joining us....the singer was pretty good and I enjoy a bit of cheese now and then.

My plans today involved shopping, cooking, painting, cleaning, hoovering, making a tent in my daughter's room, gardening, walking, baking and yoga. What did I actually do? Drunk coffee, watched The Gilmore girls, had coffee, made a tent, sipped more coffee, talked to Shona on the phone for 50 minutes (I had 3 visits with her yesterday including the Titanic production and the pub), some more coffee, tried to show my husband some yoga moves but he went to put on the coffee after a few minutes and blogged. Now, I have ten minutes before the kids come back, with sleepover friends and in that time I must cook, clean, hoover and bake. The shopping, painting, gardening, walking and yoga shall have to wait.

I so wanted a new menu plan today but it shall be here tomorrow whereby I shall shop, cook, paint....... Ok, we'll play it by ear.

Now for that chicken.........

Kelly The Titanic Stewardess

Madeleine Astor, 1st Class Passenger (Me) with Kelly the Stewardess


Silver said...

That sounds .. like a lot to do.. yeah. we should play it by ear.



Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

Ahh, thanks for making me feel normal. I do the same thing I start out with a very responsible list which often morphs into a bit of tv, reading, coffee, phone, organizing things that weren't on my list, etc.,etc., and then I run around like a lunatic the last 40 minutes of nap trying to get it all done.

Helen McGinn said...

Ah, girls after my own heart! :O)
Helen xx